Labor Management Retreat
- Marlee Enhrenfeld of MJ Marketing discuss DC 16’s and CPMCA’s Marketing objectives.
- Bryan Suttles of Suttles Plumbing reporting.
- Doug Wilson and John Ferruccio of DC 16 with Glenn Santa Cruz of UA Local 250.
- CPMCA Executive Committee Member Steve Cornelius reporting.
- John Ferruccio of DC 16 eporting.
- CPMCA President Rick Moreno, UMEC’s Steve Cornelius and Steve Shirley with Jim DeFlavio of Murray.
- Steve Shirley, Steve Cornelius and Scott Baker of UMEC with ARB’s Tim Healy.
- Nina and Steve Fosdick, Dana Giambalvo, Gail Quirk, Vicky Cornelius, Marta Martin and Dave Quirk.
- Don Giarratano and Don Chase of Muir-Chase Plumbing, Marta Martin and Dennis Castaldo of Don Brandel Plumbing.
- Chip Martin, Jay Lusita and Facilitator Richard Barnes.
- Bob Felix with the Giarratanos at The Tableau Restaurant
- Glen Nolte of UA Local 582 and Walt French.
- Lovely CPMCA ladies.
- Mrs. Nolte, Mrs. LeVangie and Mrs. French at dinner.
- Don Tanaka and UA Local managers and their partners.
- Karen Odom and Steve Shirley at dinner.